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Meet The Innovators

Meet The Innovators

The Visionaries
Ayanda Mtanyana

Ayanda is a social entrepreneur, strategist, and McKinsey trained management consultant with over 9 years’ experience working in the private and public sectors. He has previously held the position of Head of Advisory Services at New Leaders Foundation and now heads the Data Innovators entity as CEO.

In his commitment to transforming the South African Education system, Ayanda developed a dashboard solution on the state of Early Childhood Development readiness in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic to inform decisions and support. Currently, Ayanda also holds the position of Treasurer for the South African Monitoring Evaluation Association (SAMEA).

Digital Data Solutions (DDS)
The Data Wizards
Noluthando Mqakelana

Noluthando is a trained Social Worker with experience in data analytics, consulting, facilitating, and partnership and relationships management. She has a strong background of working in the public sector and NPO space.

In 2016, Noluthando joined New Leaders Foundation with her background in social work and from that period, transitioned from training and coaching School Management Teams through data analytics to a management role. She is currently in the process of completing Project Management Professional course through PM-Ideas.

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Teboho Letuka

Teboho is a researcher, data analyst and a health demographer. She has worked with organisations in various sectors including government, and health to promote the use of data to inform policy and decision making.

Teboho has published two research journals with the South African Journal for Child Health and the Africa Health Sciences Journal. She is passionate about digitising health sectors and ensuring that data is used to improve healthcare services. In a world full of misinformation, she believes that better use and accessibility to data as well as good data storytelling can help people stay informed and hence make better decisions about their lives.

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Martin Madale

Martin is an experienced IT professional, a technology enthusiast and and solutions driven. He has worked in the private sector and has experience in project roll- out, configuring and testing various systems and providing end -user support.

Martin has been part of the roll-out of bio-metric time attendance systems and onboarding of users on payment systems project for SSETA, where he coordinated and supported users and devices. He has previous experience in disaster recovery solutions where he provided software support and monitoring of back-ups for some private and public originations. He also has deep knowledge of desktop support and software troubleshooting.

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Majda Johaardien

Majda is the Creative Director at Data Innovators With over 20 years’ experience in the design industry, as an entrepreneur, freelancer and in-house designer she has had the privilege to hone her skills at various agencies across a plethora of amazing brands. Majda has worked with various government and non-government entities and with various tertiary institutions.

Asma Rahim
Masego Tabane

Masego is an international development practitioner and emerging evaluator. She has worked in the public sector promoting the use of Socio-Economic Impact Assessment System to improve policy development processes in South Africa and utilising her Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning skills to improve Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) capacities across civil society organisations and government sectors in Anglophone Africa.

Masego is passionate about community development and utilising her research skills to address socio-economic injustices. She has been featured in various conference presentations within social anthropology, M&E, public administration and management, and development research. She is a member of the Africa Evidence Network, South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association and the Anthropology Southern Africa.

Viwe Kutu

Viwe Kutu is a young aspiring M&E specialist, who is passionate about helping poor communities drive their development. With her background in development studies and anthropology, Viwe seeks to use her indigenous knowledge to promote development in the African context. She believes that data and constant monitoring and evaluation of programmes is the main key to ensuring development across poor communities.

Viwe was part of the UJenius Club 2019, wherein she was recognised for her academic performance as one of the top students in the University of Johannesburg. Viwe is in the progress of writing her life story as a M&E specialist and development practitioner.

Taryn Le Roux

Taryn is the Head of People and a change management specialist at Data Innovators, with the experience and skills to enable effective transformation with clients, focusing on people readiness and technology adoption.

Her expertise spans work in both private and public sectors, helping clients in multiple functional areas through their strategic change journey, business processing and project management. She has worked in various leadership roles, having the ability to address core organisational and operational changes to drive key outcomes.

Mabale Ngoatle

Mabale is a self-motivated, Ambitious, and skilled Finance Officer. She is very passionate about Finance and Accounting. She possesess functional expertise in business process improvement, day-to-day management of accounts payable and receivables, cash forecast management, providing accurate financial report and variance analysis.

Mabale is a dedicated and resilient individual and aspires to be an author.

Monitoring - Evaluation - Research & Learning (MERL)
The Hawks
Strategy and Business Development
The Builders
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